Need to establish an account or have a billing question?
Please contact our utility clerks at 937-456-4125.
Mission Statement
Eaton Public Works Division is dedicated to protecting the environment and the public health of our community by maintaining regulatory compliance and providing service to the public in an effective and efficient manner.
Eaton Public Works Division proudly serves the citizens of Eaton by providing water and wastewater (sewer) utilities by operating and managing two water treatment plants and one wastewater treatment plant. The water treatment plants provide the citizens of Eaton with an uninterruptible supply of clean, safe, and pleasant-tasting drinking water at a reasonable rate while meeting and/or exceeding all standards set by the State Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA).
Water System
The City of Eaton has a water distribution system that serves the approximate population of 8,400 people with around 3,700 customer accounts.
Wastewater Treatment Plant & Other Images