Meets on the 2nd Tuesday Each Month, With Agenda Items
Seven members are appointed Planning, Zoning and Building Board by Council; one is to be a member of the Council, and six are City Electors. It is the duty of the Planning, Zoning, and Building Board to approve/recommend the plan, design, location, removal, relocation, widening, extension, and vacation of streets, parkways, playgrounds, sewer systems, water lines, supplies, and associated services, lighting facilities and other public places and services as conferred upon it by the council and associated ordinances pertaining to zoning laws and/or building codes and laws. The board shall, in addition to the foregoing, exercise such additional powers as provided by general law.
Board Members - Four Year Terms
Tim Lane, Chairman
Gary Wagner, Vice Chairman
Paul Schaeffer (Appeals Board Rep)
Dave Daily
Matt Venable (Council Rep)
John Ott
Manfred Treitmaier
*One year term