Roberts Bridge was built in 1829 and is Ohio’s oldest covered bridge. It is one of only six double-barreled or dual-wagon-way bridges still remaining in the United States and is the oldest of these, and the second oldest covered bridge of any type, in the nation.
Built just over a quarter century after settlement began in the area, the Roberts Bridge is among the earliest non-domestic structures standing in Preble County. Having obtained a contract from the U.S. government, Orlistus Roberts began building a covered bridge about two and one-half miles south of the village of Eaton. With the help of his apprentice, James Campbell, Roberts built the bridge of local poplar, beech and oak resting it on abutments of limestone quarried from nearby Rocky Run. All bolts, nuts and nails were hand forged by the builders. Unfortunately, Roberts died before completion of the bridge that bears his name and it was finished by James Campbell.
For nearly 160 years, Roberts Bridge was in use at its original location. In 1962, the bridge was restored and in 1974, important structural repairs were made. By the 1980s nearly all of the protective structure and some framing were no longer original. However, the actual load bearing bridge was intact.
On Aug. 5, 1986, the bridge was vandalized and heavily damaged by fire. On the day following the fire, a group of concerned citizens joined in their resolve to restore Roberts Bridge. Relocation of the bridge to a more accessible and secure site was considered necessary. The site in Eaton, near Crystal Lake and over Seven Mile Creek, was prepared and plans were made for moving the trusses. The move took place on September 20, 1990.
In 2023, a park beautification project for Roberts Bridge was completed with the generous support of the Eaton Rotary Club, St. Clair Foundation, and Eaton Foundation.
Roberts Bridge is visited by tourists from around the state and nation each year. It is a stop on various bicycle, motorcycle and vintage automobile tours annually, and is one of the most well-known landmarks in Preble County. It is located at 319 S. Beech Street.