2024 White Christmas Lighting Contest announced

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EATON — Residents and businesses in the City of Eaton are invited to decorate their homes and buildings for Downtown Eaton’s White Christmas annual lighting contest. 

The contest is open, without entry, to all residents and businesses within Eaton City limits. Judges will be judging based on the following “criteria:” Top Overall Winner – The GRISWOLD AWARD: "You taught me everything I know about exterior illumination; "Second Place Winner -- SANTA'S FAVORITE: "Seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing;” Third Place Winner -- BUDDY THE ELF: "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." This year, a fourth prize for BEST CHARACTER OR ANIMATION USE will also be awarded for the best use of holiday characters (Frosty, Santa, Mrs. Claus, Rudolph, Buddy the Elf, etc.) inflatables, lights or music.

A People’s Choice award will also be presented. Watch Downtown Eaton Inc.’s Facebook page for voting information. 


•Judging for the lighting contest will begin on the evening of Friday, Dec. 6, and run until the evening of Thursday, Dec. 12. On each of these nights, lights must be on from 6-9 p.m. to be eligible. Prizes will be awarded to five homes and one business. 

•Residential first place winner will receive $100 and a yard sign announcing their home as the first-place winner. 

•Residential second place winner will receive $75 and a yard sign announcing their home as the second-place winner. 

•Residential third place winner will receive $50 and a yard sign announcing their home as the third-place winner. 

•Residential winner for fourth place will receive $25 and a yard sign announcing their home as the Best Character or Animation Winner. The People’s Choice award winner will receive a gift card and a sign announcing them as the People’s Choice. 

•Business category winner will receive a plaque they can place in their lobby. 

•Yard signs will be collected after the holiday season and reused for next year’s winners.